Panel fences are a great choice for arranging and protecting your house or property. You can choose a 2D or 3D panel fence.
Flat, 2D panel fences are a classic, elegant and safe choice. They are an affordable solution that are easy to install and virtually maintenance-free.
Read moreZa razliko od 2D ograj so 3D panelne ograje ojačane po vsej dolžini z značilno vodoravno ojačitvijo v obliki črke V. Ograje so cenovno ugodnejše, vendar dovolj stabilne. So pogosta izbira naših strank.
Read moreDecorative panel fences are a simple and elegant solution for every home or commercial building. It has an attractive design, inspired by natural elements which provide you with personal privacy without intruding on the charm of your home and garden.
Read moreIt is a massive stone fence made of 2D panel mesh, connected by a spiral and filled with stones.
Read moreThe difference between a 2D and a 3D panel fence is mainly in the thickness of the wire and different types of reinforcement. The 3D panel fence has "V" reinforcing folds at the top and bottom, and at certain intermediate parts, depending on the height of the panel. The 2D panel fence has double horizontal wires for additional reinforcement, which makes it stronger.
Panel fences are available in standard colors: RAL 6005 (green) or RAL 7016 (anthracite gray). Upon request, panel fences can also be supplied in a color from the RAL scale of your choice.
3D panel fences are available two options: a combination of 4mm horizontal and 4mm vertical wires or 5mm horizontal and 5mm vertical wires.
3D panel fences are of standard dimensions, 2500mm long. They are available in the following heights: 830mm, 1030mm, 1230mm, 1530mm, 1730mm, 2030mm, 2230mm and 2430mm.
2D panel fences have double horizontal wires, 6mm thick and vertical wire 5mm thick.
2D panel fences are of standard dimensions, 2500mm long. They are available in the following heights: 830mm, 1030mm, 1230mm, 1430mm, 1630mm, 1830mm, 2030mm, 2230mm and 2430mm.
2D decorative panel fences have double horizontal wires, thickness 8mm and vertical wire thickness 6mm.
2D decorative panel fences are of standard dimensions, 2500mm long. They are available in the following heights: 830mm, 1030mm, 1230mm, 1430mm, 1630mm, 1830mm and 2030mm.
Nudimo več različnih opciji montaže panelnih ograj. Stebre za panelno ograjo lahko s sidrnimi vijaki vijačimo na prej pripravljeno betonsko podlago (»škarpo« / parapetni zid) ali pa naredimo betoniran točkovni temelj. Posebnost pri nas pa je opcija namestitve panelne ograje na temeljne vijake, kar omogoča tudi morebitno prestavitev ali demontažo kompletne konstrukcije panelne ograje skupaj s stebri.
All panel fences are mounted on foundation screws, which, in addition to the superior design, also enables a possible relocation or dismantling of the complete structure.
Vaš projekt izdelamo na ključ. Opravimo vse od izmere in svetovanja na terenu do zaključne montaže.
Nudimo tudi rešitve po vaših željah, kar naredi produkt unikaten. S pomočjo nasvetov strokovnjakov za vas pripravimo tehnični izris in najdemo najboljše rešitve.
We are one of the largest providers in Slovenia in the field of panel fences, patio sliding and swinging gates, automatic ramps, canopies, motorised drives and many other products. We provide services with our own machinery and our own team of assemblers. We follow the latest trends in the industry and provide our employees with additional training.
Sodelujemo z vrhunskimi evropskimi dobavitelji, proizvajalci panelnih ograj ALFA FENCE, ter raznimi drugimi, kot so TAU - za motorne pogone, ter FAC- okovje, ali zaščito transportnih poti – Boplan.
In our warehouse we always have most of the items from our range in stock, which allows us to offer very short delivery times. With our own assemblers we can ensure fast and quality installation of our products.
We are experts in manufacturing and one of the largest Slovenian providers of metal and stainless steel fences, patio doors, canopies, stairs and individual parts of the structure for fences and patio doors. We ensure the highest quality of products and services with our own team of assemblers and own machinery, a warehouse with a large stock and cooperation with the best European suppliers, who even equip airports, customs areas and border crossings with their products.
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