Če imate premalo prostora v smeri odpiranja vrat so za vas najprimernejša teleskopska vrata. Zaradi drsnega sistema je izguba prostora v dvorišče minimalna. Možna je izvedba z dvojnim ali trojnim drsnim teleskopom, ter dvojnim samonosnim teleskopom pri katerem ne potrebujemo dodatnega talnega vodila in kolesc. Izbirate lahko med različnimi polnili, od 2D in 3D panelov, lamele, perforirane pločevine in drugimi, ki se ujemajo z vašo obstoječo ograjo.
All panel fences are mounted on foundation screws, which, in addition to the superior design, also enables a possible relocation or dismantling of the complete structure.
Vaš projekt izdelamo na ključ. Opravimo vse od izmere in svetovanja na terenu do zaključne montaže.
Nudimo tudi rešitve po vaših željah, kar naredi produkt unikaten. S pomočjo nasvetov strokovnjakov za vas pripravimo tehnični izris in najdemo najboljše rešitve.
We are one of the largest providers in Slovenia in the field of panel fences, patio sliding and swinging gates, automatic ramps, canopies, motorised drives and many other products. We provide services with our own machinery and our own team of assemblers. We follow the latest trends in the industry and provide our employees with additional training.
Sodelujemo z vrhunskimi evropskimi dobavitelji, proizvajalci panelnih ograj ALFA FENCE, ter raznimi drugimi, kot so TAU - za motorne pogone, ter FAC- okovje, ali zaščito transportnih poti – Boplan.
In our warehouse we always have most of the items from our range in stock, which allows us to offer very short delivery times. With our own assemblers we can ensure fast and quality installation of our products.
We are experts in manufacturing and one of the largest Slovenian providers of metal and stainless steel fences, patio doors, canopies, stairs and individual parts of the structure for fences and patio doors. We ensure the highest quality of products and services with our own team of assemblers and own machinery, a warehouse with a large stock and cooperation with the best European suppliers, who even equip airports, customs areas and border crossings with their products.
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